Automatic liquidity protocol: In contrast to most burning mechanisms that provide shorter-term benefits for holders, BABYAKITAS automatic liquidity protocol is designed to create long-term stability. For every transaction, the BABYAKITA smart contract charges a 10% fee, which is then divided as follows:
Max Supply is 1,000,000,000,000,000 ( 50% SENT TO DEAD ADDRESS)
5% is split among existing holders.
2.5% is automatically converted into ETH.
2.5% is paired with the ETH to serve as a liquidity pair on the UNIVSWAP decentralized exchange (DEX).
Through this mechanism, BABYAKITA aims to provide a solid price floor with a degree of arbitrage resistance. In principle, the automatic liquidity protocol prevents huge dips when early investors sell off their positions, thereby protecting holders and newer investors from the worst of price fluctuations.